Tuesday 13 August 2019


Pose, pause, bounce and pounce, is a no-hands up questioning strategy and it might take some time to get students used to not raising their hands.

  • First, pose a pre-planned scenario or a question for students to think about.
  • Pause - allow students time to think before answering. The trick is not to let the silence bother you, and to wait long enough for students to consider their answer.
  • Pounce - choose one student at random to answer (reminding students of no hands-up if needed). There are several methods you could use to choose the student, such as picking names out of a hat, names on lolly sticks or random name generators.
  • Bounce - When the student has given an answer, resist the temptation to comment yourself! Instead, bounce the idea straight to another student to comment on or add to. If you want, you can keep bouncing the response around the class allowing more students to add their response.
Here's a video of PPPB strategy from Ms Kamini's class in SJKC Pei Cheng, Kulai. Can you please leave constructive comments after watching this video? Thanks a zillion!!!

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